Thursday, October 22, 2009

How's this for deep?

I realized something this morning, sitting on my bed lacing up my shoes: I'm horrifically uninteresting. I don't have any amazing talents to amaze people with, or at least not with anything I'm proud of. People say that they like my writing, but I don't enjoy my writing. This seems to correlate with a few other things that people would consider "talents."

It's about time I do something worth being impressed about, something even I can't believe I've done. I'm not talking about one big project, or a series of little ones. I mean it is time that I take accountability for challenging myself.
I've decided to stop being timid about the things I do. I seem to only take the plunge with little things - the goals I know I'm capable of accomplishing. That's not the way to live a life you can look back on while you're skydiving from 3,000 feet in the air while you're 75, about to take your last breath and say "I'm happy that I lived the way I did. Now bring it gravity!" I was always (if you excuse the overused analogy) dipping my toe in to the pool; I never really immersed myself with anything. I mean, I've just came up with this epiphany, so I can't say why, but I do know that it's something I need to fix.

So, I'm going to take a dive in the following ways:

School - I've been lagging in work and study. It's time I realize that I'm paying a lot of money for college, and damnit, I want my money's worth.

Tae Kwan Do - That's right ladies and gentleman, I started Tae Kwan Do two days ago. I enjoyed it a lot, but I found myself coming up with excuses to not follow through on it. Well, no more excuses. I love the way it feels doing what I did last Tuesday, and I can't wait to continue it.

Writing - I'm a Creative Writing major (whatever that means) and I don't even write that much. I've even stopped creating stories in my head like I used to...not in a crazy I-come-up-with-stories-in-my-head-and-create-an-alternate-reality-to-slip-away-into kind of way, but I don't even have ideas for interesting things to write. Now, it's time I take it seriously and begin telling the stories I know I can.

People - To be honest, I'm still working on this one. I've noticed that I don't invest too much in people, which some might say is a good thing, but I feel it leaves me feeling isolated at times. I'll see where to go with this one after I get to work on the others, because I've got a feeling they all mix together.

There it is.
This blog really is helpful. I have class in thirty minutes, and I'm genuinely excited for it.
Thanks for giving me a place to finally spill out what needed to be said blogosphere!

Oh, by the way, I'm going to start posting poems on my blog soon. They almost all come from class, but I they are some ditties that can really be enjoyed. That'll be a lot of fun.

Peace and brimstone amigos.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Theory On: Douchology

Recently I have been discussing the concept of Douchology (aka: Douchebaggery, Douchiness, etc) and I've decided that this should be the topic of my next post. Allow me to explain why I feel this is important:
When I first arrived to University of California, Someplace, I was sure that being at a "top of the line" school would get me away from the douchebags I had to live with back home. The first day went by, and I was completely oblivious to the amount of tools that wandered my very campus. I was so naive, so innocent, and then I saw them: a group of "brahs" wearing backward hats, white tank-tops, v-necks showing their overly tanned chests, and flip flops, all saying things like "Shit was so cash," and having an undeserved sense of self worth. These guys just screamed problems with daddy, sexuality self-consciousness, and social ineptitude, all compounded by a low level of intelligence. Not to mention that stupid grin, the one that says "I have sex with women and then never speak to them again to prove my sexuality because I'm afraid to admit to my friends that I enjoy looking at them when we all shower in the gym after a good pec-buster." Yeah, you know the one.
Later that week I had another encounter. I was approached by many frat-bags (douchebags that stem from a fraternity) at the on-campus welcome celebration. They were inviting me to join in their homoerotic, moronic activities which they confused for fun. I refused their invitation politely, only to get the "Alright brah, you'll regret it," response. Now, it wasn't the fact that the guy was wearing a shirt that was way too small for him, or that he had sunglasses on when it was almost 10:00 PM, that made me hate him immediately. No, it was his false sense of belonging. How dare a douchebag actually step out of his circle-jerk (a figurative circle of douchebaggy friends, often associated with fraternities, sports teams, etc) and attempt to integrate with an even semi-normal person like myself.
The worst part about this second experience was not only my shock that I would be approached by a douchebag, but the fact that I really could do nothing in response to this hideous breach of society's boundaries. I wanted to say "I'm sure I won't regret it as much as your mother regrets ever pushing your oversized, useless head out of her vagina," but I couldn't! This is due to the fact that all douchebags must strengthen themselves in an effort to gain a defense from the rest of humanity.
You see, the problem with being a douchebag, besides - well - being a douchebag, is that they are not accepted by a majority of the world. They may have the upper hand on skanky sorority girls, and their fellow "bro's" but they are ultimately shunned by those who actually matter. Thus, they are in constant danger of people with any level of intelligence defending themselves with their brain. The only way a douchebag can defend himself then, is with an intimidatingly unnecessary workout schedule. This doesn't mean that everyone who likes to work out is a douchebag; instead, it should be understood that every douchebag needs to work out in case someone ever tries to outsmart them.
For that reason, I knew I could say nothing about his mother, for in the douche world, if you do not defend your mother's honor with violence, you have lost all standing among the top douchebags (something I will have to get into at another date).

So, I leave you with some advice:
1. Never communicate with a douchebag. Your level of intelligence actually lowers simply by standing near one. It has been proven.
2. Remember that the only way a douchebag can undouche himself is by: crying in public, being discovered as a homosexual, or getting higher than a C- in any class they take.
3. Not everyone who looks like a douche is a douche. Douchebaggery isn't a style, or even a manner of acting - it is a way of life. So do not confuse them with people who like to wear American Eagle or even Abercrombie and Fitch (one of the key signs to spot most douchebags). You will know when you see a douchebag.
4. And finally, for your own safety, blend in. Don't try to challenge a douchebag, you will only find yourself frustrated with their inability to form full sentences or use correct grammar. Instead, ignore them and throw out words like "dude" and "bro/brah" if necessary to keep them from thinking you are too intelligent.

Happy hunting!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Confessions: Catchy title

This is officially my first post as a "blogger", and I have no idea what that entails. I'm sure I could be much more creative; however, it is now well past 11:30 PM (PST) and I'm beginning to feel tired.
Besides the obvious physical weakness that the word "tired" implies, I am feeling staggeringly more tired about life in general. Being a first-year student at the University of California, Somewhere, I have began to feel my mind finally being challenged. It's an interesting set of emotions that come along with moving away from home, meeting masses of new people, and of course, the unfamiliar set of courses that I am extremely unaccustomed to. All of these combined with what seems to be an uncontrollable need to prove myself capable makes way for a very stressful time.

But, I think it's necessary that everyone (more accurately: anyone) who reads this blog should understand that I am not a person who gets stressed, and I am usually very positive. This up-beatness is constantly defied everyday, and it's a stressful process within itself to not be stressed. Thus, I have decided to create this blog; because I feel it is strenuous and generally uninteresting to speak of hardships with people I've known no longer than two weeks or even with someone I've known for years. Here, on the internet, I don't need to know anyone and I can express anything I feel I would like to release without forcing the burden of listening upon somebody.

We've all been through the awkward conversation with someone who is complaining about something we share little to absolutely no interest. I hope to avoid this situation in the coming days, and have discovered this medium as the perfect place to get out anything and everything that I feel I must share with either nobody or anybody.

So, here's the basics:
My name is Eddie A. Garcia.
I like to humor the idea of me being a good writer.
I also like to humor the idea that I am humorous.
Humor me.
I'm sarcastic about most things, and it usually causes people to laugh or dislike me.
I am young. Take that statement as you wish.
There are beautiful and ugly things in everything; I try to find the stuff in between.
I have no idea what this blog will actually end up including, or how often it will be updated, but I can say that it will be an adventure for everyone involved.

It's past midnight now.
Have a good night, and an even better morning.

Oh, and I like smilies that use the "equals" symbol.